In April of 2002 the Strategy for Economic, Social & Cultural Development was launched. This represented a major milestone for the Kilkenny County Development Board. The County Development Board consisting of 28 members representing local political interests, local development interests, state agencies and social partnership worked for two years on the preparation of this strategy. This document represents a determined commitment on behalf of the members of the board and their agencies to collaborate in order to deliver on behalf of the citizens and communities of County Kilkenny.
The full text of the document and also other matters regarding the activity of the County Development Board are published on its website www.kilkennycdb.ie
Kilkenny was selected as one of Twenty towns around the country have been selected for priority attention under Strand II of the RAPID Programme. A Local Area Implementation Teams has been established for the city. Plans, in consultation with the relevant line Departments with responsibilities for various programmes e.g. health, environment, education, etc. and with the support of ADM Ltd., have been prepared prioritizing and identifying specific issues and actions.
- The RAPID process co-ordinanted by the Kilkenny Local Authorities in partnership with existing agencies and community groups, is striving to identify real needs through community participation.
- RAPID is not about re-inventing the wheel but rather the building on existing structures already successfully iniated by agencies and community groups alike.
- RAPID continues to build on existing community structures, and work closely with all of the community organizations. The process is identifying and empowering communities with and no community structures to participate in the programme.
- With the enthusiasm and co-operation from the people in RAPID areas A number of new community resident / development associations have been assisted and existing associations developed under the RAPID process. All new and existing residents associations are been facilitated through the RAPID Process.
- The programme is facilitating newly established community groups take an active role in highlighting present issues within their communities and looks at developing structured methods of bringing such issues to the table.
Communities mapping their future.
You can find further information on the programmes activities on the Kilkenny County Council website or on www.rapidkilkenny.ie
The 1st phase of the RAPID community web-site has been completed, and this can be found on the County Council website under the RAPID link on the homepage :www.kilkennycoco.ie